
Basic Info

Forest Name: Reno Grimnir
Current Name: Lotus
Race: Viera (Rava)
Age: 56
Gender: Male
Orientation: Pansexual
Birthplace: Dalmasca, Golmore Jungle

Reno was born at the heart of Golmore Jungle, living the first few years of his life inside the Rava Village. The young Viera never grew too attached to his mother, and didn't get to meet his father before the elders sent him off into the forest when he came of age.

Soon after leaving the village, he was taught how to handle an axe, both to hunt and chop lumber. He firmly followed the laws of the Green Word, but as time passed the young man started growing tired of his people's customs.

By the time Reno was 26 summers old, Garlemald had already invaded Dalmasca. One fateful night, several garlean squads sneaked inside the woods, catching the camp where he was residing at the time by surprise. Most of his comrades were wiped out, but he was lucky enough to get knocked out hard enough by a magitek weapon for the garleans to consider him dead.

When his consciousness came back to him, the fight was already over, the survivors of the campsite managed to fend off Garlemald's attack thanks to reinforcements from the village.

After this incident, something switched inside of him, vowing to fight The Empire with all of his might. Without saying a word to anyone in the village, he packed his belongings and abandoned the woods in order to join the Dalmascan Resistance, he would not sit idly and ignore the current state of the world like his tribe did.

Nowadays he goes by "Lotus", dalmascan combat veteran, currently aiding Eorzea in their struggle against the empire.


➤ He's always happy to share drinks and stories with fellow warriors.

➤ He spent a considerable chunk of his life fighting for Dalmasca's Resistance, if your character hails from the same kingdom maybe they have crossed paths.

➤ Reno gets hurt a lot during battle since he's on the frontlines most of the time, your character could have patched him up after a long battle.

➤ Anything else, really! Just hit me up ooc and we can come up with something.